Register now and profit from commissions on orders that are made through your website.
Our click-strong advertising media brings you cash with every order.
Benefit from our attractive and fair staggered commissions of up to 9% per order!
Register nowHow does the Tennis-Point Affiliate Program work?
1. Uncomplicated registration with one of the affiliate networks
2. Select suitable Tennis-Point advertising material and integrate it into your website
3. Place an order
4. Receive commissions
Your advantages as a partner:
Regular voucher promotions with customized advertising materials
Up-to-date advertising material:
click-strong and target group-oriented in all common formats
Automatically changing promotion banners
individualized advertising material available on request
Fair commission staggering with up to 9% on every valid order
Fast and personal support by the Tennis-Point Affiliate Team
Detailed product data with over 45,000 products
The advantages for end customers:
30 days return policy
Free shipping from £99
Fast delivery (3-6 days!)
The registration is fast and free of charge! Register as a member of the Affiliate program:
• sign up via the AWIN networkJust send us an email to