Babolat sports bags are a one-stop shop when it comes to carrying solutions. Offering big compartments coupled with a clever arrangement of space, they are a great choice for seasoned players and newcomers alike. The best things about Babolat gym bags is you don't have to put much thought into your packing: simply chuck everything you need into it and let the layout do the organisation. This makes gym bags a great choice for busy players looking to get a large amount of gear back and forth between the car and the court. Babolat sports bags are also a good choice if you are looking to go away on a weekend tennis trip or a tournament. The bags provide enough room for rackets and tennis gear such as balls and shoes as well as any additional personal items you need for the trip.
While the structure of Babolat gym bags can vary, you are sure to be able to fit a large amount of gear into any given one. Rackets can be placed in main compartments as well as in specially designed racket compartments located around the exterior of the bags. Handle and strap setups can vary, but each one is created to provide an ergonomic fit when carried in the hand and a balanced hang when slung over the shoulder. Babolat bags also sport a cool extra feature that allows you to customize your bag with a printable name tag that you can create on their website. This ensures that even at busy tournaments, you can always be sure which bag belongs in your hand.
As well as traditionally-styled sports bags, the Babolat collection on Tennis-Point also includes tote bags and innovative new tennis bag designs such as the Team French Open sports bag. Buy online today and experience the comfort and spaciousness of sports bags by Babolat. Our website is designed to be easy to search through and even easier to order from. As well as top-quality products from all the best brands in the sport, we also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure you are happy with everything you order from Tennis-Point. In addition, we offer discounted rates on a number of quality products for added value.
Wide range and variety of the latest products.
Variety of brands
You won’t find another tennis supplier offering as many products from such a wide range of manufacturers.
Product quality
We only offer high quality products and if we are not convinced that a product is of sufficient quality we won’t offer it in our range.
Exchange? Money back?
You can choose from a range of options, either exchanging your product for a different size or for another product or requesting a full refund. Your refund can be made to the card or bank account that you originally used to pay for your purchase or alternatively the funds can be credited to your customer account with us and used to pay for future purchases.
Secure shopping with money back guarantee
Your trust in us and our systems is very important to us and we assure you that your personal data is treated with the strictest confidence, that it will not be used for purposes other than your transaction with us and that it is not transmitted to any other parties.
This is both an important part of our own philosophy.
In addition, all data is securely transmitted using SSL encoding and we do not save bank or credit card information.
All advantages at a glance.
Fast shipping
If your chosen products are in stock your order will be ready for dispatch within 24 hours on work days, following confirmation of your payment being cleared.
We will deliver to the address specified in your order.
Overview of our delivery costs.
30 days
money-back guarantee
Don't like the product you ordered or the fit and size is incorrect?
No problem.
You have a legal right to cancel your contract before delivery and up to 7 working days after delivery. Furthermore we promise you our Tennis-Point has extended this to a total of 30 days after delivery!
If you want to return goods please e-mail us or write to us. We will advise the next steps and refund you within 30 days. Please keep in mind that you are liable for the return costs of 7,95 GBP. You do not have to give any reason for cancellation. However, a brief explanation will help us to improve our service in the future.
If you cancel, you must return the goods at your own expense. In this case, you are also responsible for the risk of loss or damage, therefore we recommend postal insurance to cover the value.
payment methods
Try on first and keep the articles you like.
Secure payment methods:
- Bank transfer
- EuroCard/MasterCard
- Visa
- American Express
- PayPal
- Klarna
Your trust is important to us!
We assure that your personal data and any information about you will not be used for other purposes than the transaction with us. This is an important part of our philosophy and a necessary criterion for us to have achieved 'Trusted Shops' certification.
This also includes a money back guarantee at the end of the ordering process.
In addition, all data is securely transmitted using SSL encoding and we do not save any bank or credit card information.
Return items easily
Click has high quality standards. Parts like data privacy, costs and payments, delivery conditions, returns and customer service are checked regularly.